Operative Images : History - Theory - Practice I.
Időpont:2018. március 13.18:00 - 20:00
Helyszín:SZTE BTK - Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Vizuális Kultúra és Irodalomelmélet Tanszék, Vajda György Mihály (IX-es) terem
Az előadó: Prof. Dr. Tristan Thielmann (University of Siegen, Science & Technology Studies). Azelőadó előadása témájáról: "The images we want to discuss in this lecture, were taken and compiled in such a way that they became part of an operative practice, e.g. the practice of navigation, browsing, searching, unfolding etc. Operative images function as action surfaces with embedded navigation elements. Thus, operative images take on a dual status as both objects of investigation and tools. Since the image thus becomes the object itself, causality of visual handling and structural transformation of the material can be assumed. With the characteristic trait of tools, operative images enable acting on and through the visible reality, which both opens and predetermines the operating range..."

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