Operative Images : History - Theory - Practice II.
Időpont:2018. március 20.18:00 - 20:00
Helyszín:SZTE BTK - Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., Vizuális Kultúra és Irodalomelmélet Tanszék, Vajda György Mihály (IX-es) terem
Az előadó: Prof. Dr. Tristan Thielmann; University of Siegen, Science & Technology Studies. Az előadó előadásáról: "... From a genealogical perspective and by referring to W.J.T. Mitchell, operative images are inevitably redirected to the history and anthropology of the image. Although, for instance, augmented reality navigation using smart phones or smart glasses appear at first glance to be something completely new, they are in fact based on a very old cultural technique. Virtual travel through pre-recorded spaces can look back at least to the year 1905, when the first attempt at capturing residential streets of select routes in photographs took place. The idea was to make them available as ‘photo-auto guides’, with superimposed textual and pictographic route instructions. Moreover, these guides were designed as ‘social media’, with empty lines under each photograph allowing the preservation of photo-related memories. The navigation instructions were layered within a series of photographs, as if arrows had been drawn in the dust of the streets..."

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