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Professor of the SZTE, Benő Csapó Is Awarded With an Honorary Doctorate by The University of Helsinki

Professor of the SZTE, Benő Csapó Is Awarded With an Honorary Doctorate by The University of Helsinki

2019. May 07.
2 perc

Leader of the Doctoral School of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the SZTE, Prof. dr. Benő Csapó will be awarded with an honorary doctorate by the University of Helsinki in May 2019. The professor of the University of Szeged has established a long-term research collaboration with the Faculty of Education of the University of Helsinki.

The main research topics of the Prima Primissima awardee are cognitive developtment, pedagogical evaluation and technology-based testing.

He graduated from the József Attila University in 1977 with a degree in Chemistry and Physics. In 1985 he obtained the candidate's degree, in 2002 he was awarded with the title of doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is the head of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Szeged, the Doctoral School of Education, the Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Research Theory of Research at the University of Szeged. In 1989, he was a Humboldt scholarship holder, between 1994 and 1995 he was a guest researcher in Stanford and worked in a program for developing democratic thinking in 1997-99.


In the PISA reports of 2003 and 2012, he was a member of the working groups that developed the theoretical framework for problem-solving thinking. Between 2002 and 2003, he was a member of the international jury commissioned by the Finnish Academy of Sciences for the evaluation of research proposals, between 2007 and 2009 he was a member of the Academic Advisory Board of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. Between 2011 and 2015 he was in charge of managing the work of a European science teaching project in Hungary.


Photo: Anna Bobkó