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Course Book entitled "International Organizations-In Law and Practice" has been published!
2021. June 01.

Dear Students,

We would like to inform you on the new publication entitled "International Organizations-In Law and Practice" prepared by Dr. habil. Anikó Szalai and Dr. Gizem Várkonyi-Gültekin, members of the International and Regional Studies Institute of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. The book also is the course book of the International Organizations compensatory course offered within the curriculum of the English Master in International Relations Program.

You can access to the book here.

We wish you to have a good read!

Entrance Examination Requirement
2019. May 24.

Dear Applicants,

Before the Admission Interview, we suggest you to read the book "Interstate Relations" prepared by our Faculty members. This book could help you prepare for the Interview, where primarily your motivations and academic eligibility be tested by the Interviewers.

In particular, the following chapters are recommended for reading: Chapters 2, 3, 5, 6, 10.

The book "Interstate Relations" also sheds light on some of the most important core aspects of our Program in International Relations, and parts of it are heavily relied on during the courses.

Thank you for your attention.

MIR Team

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